Title: Life & Death in the Countryside: Rural Northamptonshire in the Roman period
Location: St. Mary's Church Hall, Roade, Northamptonshire Date: 19/02/2025 Time: 7:30 pm - 9:30 pm Speaker: Mike Curtis |
The once quiet and peaceful landscape of Northamptonshire was beginning to change as the Iron Age came to a close. The conquest of Britain and the creation of the new Roman province brought with it a new system of administration and governance. In this presentation we will consider the impact of this change on rural Northamptonshire, how it affected the communities that had settled in this part of the country and how that landscape suddenly became a lot more busier. |
Location: St. Mary's Church Hall, Roade, Northamptonshire Date: 26/03/2025 Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Speaker: Neil Howarth |
The talk provides an overview of the 384th Bomb Group during its time at Grafton Underwood in World War 2. Followed by an update of the restoration of the Operations Building and creation of a Museum to tell the stories and provide activities of what went on at Grafton Underwood for the Airmen and crew. |
Location: St. Mary's Church Hall, Roade, Northamptonshire Date: 23/04/2025 Time: 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm Speaker: Kelly Teat-Holland |
Join us for an evening to hear about the history of Deene Park in Corby. |